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30 March 2003 - 3:25 p.m.


This gave me a lot to think about, because although Jim is apparently starting to act and sound like him, and Gus has/will always look(ed) like him, Greek tradition dictates that the next Wild Willy, at least, in terms of nomenclature, will be my son. Provided that Gus and I are fertile and we actually have a male child, both of which are pretty much a given, when your consider our genetic makeup.

This is just fine with me since I am not very picky about boys names and like the name Will just fine, and since, even though I'm not quite sure how Aunt Sue puts up with him, I like the Wild Willy in question just fine as well.

So since the continuation of the Wild Willy Factor (WWF) had been so elegantly laid on the table thanks to Jim, I decided to share some of my thoughts on baby naming with Gus. The conversation went something like this:

Jenn: How do you feel about multiple middle names for children?

Gus: I'm not opposed to them, but I wouldn't like seek them out. It depends what the middle names are. It would have to be for a reason.

Jenn: Okay, well, I think I have a good reason.

Gus: I would like this opportunity to let you know that we are not naming our son William Richard H. W. Preva$ under any circumstances.

Jenn: That wasn't my idea! I don't want to name our kids after authors anyway.

Gus: Good.

Jenn: But what movie stars would you be opposed to naming our kids after?

Gus: All of them.

Jenn: Gus! What if it was a good name?

Gus: I don't care! I'm not having a son named William Boris Karloff Preva$!

Jenn: What if it was Boris Karloff's name before he became Boris Karloff?

Gus: What?

Jenn: Boris Karloff was born William Henry Pratt. Isn't that a great name? William Henry Pratt Preva$?

Gus: How about William Henrey Harrison Preva$?

Jenn: Be serious. I don't want to name our kid after a president.

Gus: How about just William Henry? Then he can be William H. Preva$, like William H. Macy. I like William H. Macy.

Jenn: But Henry is a nerdy name on it's own, and it wouldn't mean anything! He should be William H. P. Preva$, isn't that cool? HP, like Hewlett-Packard. What if you work for Hewlett-Packard some day, wouldn't that be cool?

Gus: No.

Jenn: Okay, you're right, the H. P. sounds kind of dumb when you think about Hewlett Packard.

Gus: Can we talk about this another time?

Jenn: I can't believe you don't think that's a cool name.

Gus: Well, we're not going to have kids for a long time, and I bet by then you'll like some other famous William better.

Jenn: No I won't.

To prove my point, I did a search for famous Williams on imdb, and found very little competition for Karloff.

"Maybe you will reconcile your differences with William Hurt," said Gus. I don't think that's likely. I really feel like Wialliam Hurt can hardly act at all. And I was definitely not interested in naming anything after William Shatner.

Which leaves this guy, who has been in some good movies but is not very interesting in and of himself:

And this guy, who is just plain creepy:

Gus wanted to know in what lifetime was that guy more creepy than Karloff, so I set about finding some pictures to prove that he was good looking in some roles. Unfortunately, none of those roles have been documented on imdb. I think this hurt my case a bit:

I think if I still care about naming my kid William Henry Pratt Prevas by the time I actually feel like having a kid, I should get to. Persistence ought to be worth something at that point.

Besides, if the whole Preva$ clan is going to follow the "first initial+last name=diaryland username" methodology, by the time kprevas and I have produced the next generation of D-Land users, he will need all those initials. I know y'all can't wait to add whpprevas to your buddy lists.

What I'm wearing: Ripped jeans, purple men's shirt

What I'm reading: "Les Yeux Ouverts," Beautiful South

What I'm doing after this: making some tea

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- - 07 May 2005

Wheee! - 02 November 2004

Inside of my fridge. - 28 October 2004

TV is Stupid. - 24 September 2004

"The only paperback writer who would drive a Buick is like, Tom Clancy." -Gus - 20 September 2004

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