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09 March 2003 - 1:15 p.m.

The Jenniors Revisits the Summer of Dave

After a rash of midweek partying, all I wanted to do Saturday night was play house with the husband-to-be.

My apologies to the vegetarians, but sometimes you just have to lock yourself inside and eat some damn ham.

So we were southerners last night, eating Coca-Cola ham and drinking Mike's Hard Iced Tea and watching DVDs. Monsters, Inc. is a good movie. I always like Pixar movies more than I want to, given the whole Disney affiliation thing. At least I can justify owning A Bug's Life because it stars Dave Foley.

Did I ever mention that I used to have a raging crush on Dave Foley? Or maybe it wasn't even so much a crush as hte fact that I discovered Kids in the Hall and News Radio at about the same time. And both were rerunning multiple times a day. And I was unemployed.

So what my bother and I would do was get up, watch News Radio reruns, eat lunch, watch and tape Kids in the Hall reruns, and maybe go listen to some CDs or something until we found ourselves suffering from KITH withdrawal (haha, KITHdrawal. Then we would watch either KITH sketches on tape or Brain Candy, watch and tape the second pair of KITH reruns, and sometimes my brother would go to baseball practice.

If I didn't go out with friends, we would watch two more episodes of News Radio at 10, unless of course it was Wednesday night, in which case the whole family would gather round for a wholesome episode of South Park.

That should give you some indication of what kind of waste of life we were experiencing at the time: South Park was at the height of its popularity. Though, at some point, both my brother and I acknowleged we were kind of glad South Park was only 30 minutes long, because the day seemed kind of incomplete without at least some News Radio.

Often, inertia set in and we would watch a few more hours of KITH on tape. Or, my brother would go to bed, and I would go online and look at Dave Foley-related websites. That's how I found out when he got divorced, and I remember clearly feeling like I might have a chance with him.

Yeah, it's really sad, but the only celebrity I've ever had semi-delusional feelings for was Dave Foley.

Also sad was that I was spending some eight hours a day with my sibling, and it never really counted as bonding because we communicated entirely in dialogue borrowed from the Sizzler Sisters.

Oh, well. At least we had a sense of family.

I have no fucking idea why I just detailed The Summer of Dave, as it came to be known.

As Jerry Sizzler would say, "Jerry, you are clearly insane!"

What I'm wearing: White tank top, gray drawstring pants, really bad hair.

What I'm reading: Eddie Izzard, "Glorious"

What I'm doing after this: Probably searching for Dave on Google, for old time's sake

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