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11 March 2003 - 5:09 p.m.

I Walked with an Annoying Writer

I'm buying a car.

The details are not all that interesting, besides the fact that See-Aitch thinks it must have been meant for me. See-Aitch also thinks I'm a licensed driver. Shh.

I really feel like the fact I almost peed myself when she had me drive her around the loop like I was taking a damn road test was just a result of some professors being kind of intimidating before gear shifts and fourteen-year-old brake pedals are intorduced into the mix.

My drunken countenance of last week also made the front page of the Hollins newspaper. I really wish the paper was online just so y'all can see, but it's dark and fuzzy, not much of a picture. If you should happen to catch a glimpse of it, I'm the curly-headed dark smudge between the bespectacled dark smudge (Are) and even drunker dark smudge that is Kay van Bee. Watch me frame it anyway, just to have a souvenir of good times in Bradely Hall. Aw.

I watched Otto e Mezzo (please don't think me a wanker, there is no key to properly convey a half, and 8.5 doesn't quite do the trick)twice yesterday, and I could watch it two more times today, just because it's such a wacky puzzle. But I have other things to do, like writing. Today I had my first obnoxious Joyce Carol Oates moment, where I ruined a perfectly good conversation by pulling out a notebook and jotting down ideas.

But I couldn't help it! I'd been looking around for a screenplay idea, and somebody dropped the title, I Married a Zombie. The stars were like, aligned, motherfucka! If that's not a movie yet, I'm gonna make it one. And if it is a movie, I'll go with Zombie in Love. Yay.

Speaking of marriage, I got my eBay tiara yesterday. I'm very pleased, though it's quite uncomfortable. Makes sense. Otherwise, girlies like me would be sporting them every day, I swear. I'm getting a mental image of me in pajamas and tiara, hunched over a keyboard, plinking out I Married a Zombie, and feeling like Harry Potter standing in front of that rad mirror where you get to see what you want. Whatever it was called.

What I'm wearing: Blue turtleneck, navy slacks

What I'm reading: The Beatles, "Hold Me Tight"

What I'm doing after this: Marrying a zombie!

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- - 07 May 2005

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Inside of my fridge. - 28 October 2004

TV is Stupid. - 24 September 2004

"The only paperback writer who would drive a Buick is like, Tom Clancy." -Gus - 20 September 2004

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