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21 February 2003 - 10:23 a.m.

Fuckety fuck.

I'm supposed to write a book review before 5, only I can't find the book I'm reviewing. Fuck me.

Oh, except I AM fucked. I could be in second grade again.

Not becaue I used to get fucked in second grade, mind you. I just used to lose things like a motherfo back in the day.

Whine whine wimper wimper.

I actually have a lot to say, but as I find myself trying to type with the knowledge that I'm supposed to be reviewing this book, I'm about to break out in hives.


I'll be back. Editred to say: I found my book. It was in a bag of fabric I bought on Saturday. It should not have been there. I am very puzzled.

What I'm wearing: pjs

What I'm reading: "Under Pressure" over and over again in my head

What I'm doing after this: looking for my book. again.

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