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09 August 2004 - 8:54 p.m.

I like surveys. They remind me of high school, which I actually enjoyed.


-- Name: Jenn

-- Nickname: JP, Mrs. kprevas

-- Birth date: 12/19

-- Birthplace: Like, 25 blocks from here.

-- Current location: A gentrified section of Pittsburgh.

-- Eye color: Blue.

-- Hair color: Brownish.

-- Height: 5'2".

-- Righty or lefty: righty.


-- Your heritage: Italian, Scottish, English, Slovak.

-- Your weakness: Kitties.

-- Your fears: Death and stuff that causes death. You know.

-- Your perfect pizza: Changes all the time.

-- Goal you'd like to achieve: I'd like to have a small dog, probably named after a wealthy and/or handsome Meditteranean male (Aristotle Onassis or Marcello Mastroianni, maybe) and carry it around in my purse.


-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: Right.

-- Your thoughts first waking up: Whole bed time!

-- Your best physical feature: I am roughly the size of a pint.

-- Your bedtime: Jetlagged.

-- Your most missed memory: What the crap does that mean?


-- Soda: Coke, maybe twice a year.

-- Fast food joint: Wendy's.

-- Single or group dates: Neither.

-- Adidas or Nike: I don't wear athletic shoes.

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Unsweet tea.

-- Chocolate or vanilla: Coffee.

-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappucino IS coffee.


-- Smoke: Very rarely, and usually South of the Mason/Dixon line, or while in the presence of famous subculture theorists.

-- Cuss: Fuckin'a!

-- Sing: Only when highly intoxicated.

-- Take a shower every day: No way, dude! Water is more scarce than we think.

-- Have a crush(es): regularly.

-- Do you think you've been in love: I'm married.

-- Want to go to college: Everywhere.

-- Liked high school: Yes. I really did learn a lot there. But it was not for wimps.

-- Want to get married: Done.

-- Believe in yourself: Very rarely, and usually South of the Mason/Dixon line, or while in the presence of famous subculture theorists.

-- Get motion sickness: Almost never.

-- Think you're attractive: Almost always.

-- Think you're a health freak: No.

-- Get along with your parents: Yes.

-- Like thunderstorms: Yes.

-- Play an instrument: Not currently.


In the past month...

-- Drank alcohol: Almost every day.

-- Smoked: No.

-- Done a drug: Ibuprofen?

-- Had sex: I don't shag and tell. However, it's public knowledge that I was on my honeymoon.

-- Made out: See above.

-- Gone on a date: I was too busy being on my honeymoon.

-- Gone to the mall: See above.

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Ew.

-- Eaten sushi: Yes.

-- Been on stage: No.

-- Gone skating: Skating?

-- Made homemade cookies: No.

-- Gone skinny-dipping: I wish.

-- Dyed your hair: No.

-- Stolen anything: No.



-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Shh!

-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes, but not for a long time.

-- Been caught doing something: Something bad?

-- Been called a tease: Called? I had business cards made, bitch!

-- Gotten beaten up: I'm not in the mafia.

-- Shoplifted: No.

-- Changed who you were to fit in: Not since elementary school.


-- Age you hope to be married: Don't care.

-- Numbers and names of children: Probably we'll have a son and name it William. Other than that, we'll see what happens.

-- Describe your dream wedding: Click here.

-- How do you want to die: I don't.

-- Where do you want to go to college: Duke.

-- What do you want to be when you grow up: A dog's mom.

-- What country would you most like to visit: Italy, again.


In a guy...

-- Best eye color: Don't care.

-- Best hair color: Don't care.

-- Short or long hair: Short, unless he is in a good band.

-- Height: Whatever.

-- Best weight: Proportionate.

-- Best articles of clothing: Shirts with collars and buttons.

-- Best first date location: Somewhere with food.

-- Best first kiss location: Somewhere with food.


-- Number of drugs taken illegally: Does this mean number of illegal drugs taken (none), or number of drugs taken illegal (quite a few drinks consumed while under age).

-- Number of people I could trust with my life: I am sure of maybe 8-12, but I bet there are a bunch more I'm underestimating.

-- Number of CDs that I own: 150-ish.

-- Number of piercing: 1 per ear.

-- Number of tattoos: None.

-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: A bunch, bt never for anything important.

-- Number of scars on my body: One on my thumb.

-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Big things or little things?


-- Lied? Of course! I'm getting better, though. I used to just make shit up to entertain myself.

-- Run away? No.

-- Broken a bone? No, knock on wood.

-- Failed a class? I think not.

-- Been in a fist fight? Not in a Sharks and Jets sense, but I was pretty tough as a litte kid.

-- Dyed your hair? Yes.

-- Gotten in a car accident? Yes, unfortunately. But it wasn't my fault.

-- Met a famous person? Yeah, but nobody really awesome.

-- Driven illegally? Indeed.

-- Thrown a temper tantrum? Frequently.

-- Been suspended? Never.

-- Been expelled? Of course not.

-- Given the finger? I love the finger!

-- Rebelled against authority? I AM authority!

-- Been in jail? Maybe someday...

-- Overcharged your credit card? Ooops.


-- What are you listening to?: Gus typing

-- What are you watching? Nothing.

-- What time is it? 9:33.

-- What are you wearing? My husband's pajamas.

-- What are you drinking? Water.

-- Eating? Nothing.

-- Got both hands on the keyboard? Yes.

-- You sure bout that? No, I'm not sure. Surveys get me hot, hot hot!

-- Who are you talking to? No one.

-- What other windows do you have opened? None.

-- How bored are you? Significantly.

-- Be anywhere, where would you be? In bed.

What I'm wearing: See above.

What I'm reading: See above.

What I'm doing after this: Brushing my teeth.

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- - 07 May 2005

Wheee! - 02 November 2004

Inside of my fridge. - 28 October 2004

TV is Stupid. - 24 September 2004

"The only paperback writer who would drive a Buick is like, Tom Clancy." -Gus - 20 September 2004

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