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15 May 2003 - 9:42 p.m.

"Did you have the special?" "Far from it."

I should definitely be out partying right now, by my stomach has other plans for me. In fact, every time I ingest any significant amount of matter, I get violent stomach pains and need to take a nap immediately.

It is the most fucked up indigestion ever.

And I'm , er, regular otherwise, no vomiting or anything, but I can't seem to get much done unless I fast. Which I did for half of today, but I ended up ravenous for my film final.

Ahh, Fellini. I won't miss you the way I do Val, but it's still a tough goodbye.

At least the final wasn't too hard. In fact, compared to la dolce paper - wait, I need a cutesy nickname for the final. Final Satyricon? Nah. Ginger e Final? Nah. Finals of Cabiria?

Clearly, all of my cleverness went into my exam today. Yikes. To make a long story short (too late), took exam. Did bang-up job. Walked to car in rain storm. Felt like John Cusak. Realized rain could not be sign of desperation as job on exam was of bang-up variety.

I also got my paper back from Cranky May, who gave me an A, but whose overarching comment was "Not bad."

See, that's the thing about this time of year. During the fall and winter, I'll just about kill myself to do a good job, but by mid-May, "Not bad" is absolutely good enough.

Per a conversation I had with Tinsel yesterday, I was super-thrilled to read this article today on MSN, which has since disappeared from existence, so far as I can tell. It's too bad that I can't give the author credit, but at least I thought to email the best paragraph to myself:

"At my own wedding let the bridesmaids squeeze in the best camera angles, let them boogie with champagne glasses in hand and let them eat cake. The secret of a great wedding is always a little spice. The princess bride is dressed in white, symbolic of virginity and her guests should frolic forth in hot pink, lipstick red and electric blue, symbolic of a damn good time. The fantasy of romantic love is a collective one and at a wedding it really does take all kinds, including at least one outrageous strumpet. What a relief that this year it won't be me."

Rock on!

I wonder who the outrageous strumpet at my wedding will be...

...hopefully Donovan...

Crap, did I say that out loud?

What I'm wearing: Purple dress with button missing.

What I'm reading: Hatbox messing with wahtever is under my dresser.

What I'm doing after this: Eating, against my better judgement.

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- - 07 May 2005

Wheee! - 02 November 2004

Inside of my fridge. - 28 October 2004

TV is Stupid. - 24 September 2004

"The only paperback writer who would drive a Buick is like, Tom Clancy." -Gus - 20 September 2004

hatboxmcsneezy got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com