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01 April 2003 - 6:05 p.m.

Hollins puts the "alge" in Nalgene.

Remember that fine line between stupid and clever?

Today I bought a Hollins Nalgene bottle, mainly because I've been wanting a Nalgene bottle for a while, but can't fathom ever being in a place where I could purchase one, i.e. the sporting goods store. I am not in need of any sporting goods. So for as long as Nalgene bottles were sporting goods... well, you're all capable of deductive reasoning.

I had handed over the cash before I noticed this "walking-that-line-but-teetering-toward-clever" acrostic printed on it:








Does that not seem like something that would be advertising a Bangkok brothel?

I swear, the arguments for single-sex education just get more and more amusing.

What I'm wearing: Long black skirt and pink sweater.

What I'm reading: Kids playing outside. Aw.

What I'm doing after this: Reading several zillion pages of Fellini criticism.

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