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2001-08-13 - 11:21 a.m.

Golden Slumbers

I didn't drag myself out of bed until 15 minutes before I was supposed to be at the office today. That's not unusual for me, although today it had nothing to do with actual tiredness. I was actually so well-rested that I ddin't even need the cup of tea that made me 15 minutes late.

It was just that Barbara's bed is SO damn comfy. I think it's the six feather pillows and the down comforter, on top of the fact that it's an actual bed, as opposed to the futon I'm used to. I never got to have down when I was living with my parents, my dad being very, very allergic, and now at my apartment, I have a choice between a wobbly twin boxspring/mattress combo and the futon. I opt for the futon because it's freakin' huge. And it's not a bad futon. But this morning I was in bed paradise.

And I hate to bring this up, because I know Gus will eventually read this, and it seems very passive aggressive, but I think I am much more well-rested when I sleep alone.

I really like sleeping with Gus. In fact, I'm at the point in my life where I am equally happy sleeping with him and without him, which makes me very happy - I'm an independent single gal! Huzzah! And I think it's really sweet that he likes to sleep in a "snuggly" fashion - I myself like to partake in snugglesleep from time to time. However, the result of his extreme clinginess means that when he tosses and turns, I get tossed and turned, and, consequently, woken up a number of times throughout the night.

A somewhat sexist episode of Friends had all the guys comparing and contrasting their methods for obtaining personal space in bed. But this really doesn't help me since 1.) Gus is bigger than me and 2.) Gus is a light sleeper who seems to mistake my every move for an invitation to roll over on top of me. Should I create some kind of signal that will inform Gus that my side of the bed is a "No-Fly Zone?" Nah. I guess it's really not that bad. At least I know how favorite stuffed animals must feel.

I really do miss Gus at night. It's just that I've been too busy sleeping to notice.

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