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20 April 2003 - 5:03 p.m.

That obscure object of desire, which is not so much obscure as it is CONFOTI!

I think I'm going to try to get my parents to throw me an engagement party this summer just so I have a reason to spend $16.95 on a 2.5 oz. bag of confetti.

I'm sorry, but this shit fucking rocks. You can make it with pictures of anything. Yourself! Your pets! You can make it with pictures of Karloff. Karlofoti. Aw!

I thought about making a bag for my brother's graduation party, but I don't have any digital pictures of him.

Also, I don't have very much money, which would mean his graduation present from me would consist entirely of confoti. And I don't think my JockJamz brother would be too enthusiastic about receiving a gift that says, "Congratulations on making it through high school! Here are 35,000 tiny pictures of YOU!" Unless had those pictures embossed on golf balls. Or guitar picks.

Speaking of which, I saw the I Love Posh Spice's Husband movie, and it made me really glad I'm getting married, because it must be really taxing to have to argue with your parents all the time AND work out every day. Thank God my little Rock'n'Jock bro is the rebellious/athletic member of my family.

Actually, my brother is rad. I talked on the phone today, and asked him what he was doing for Easter. "Probably just watching TV."

Nobody who can afford cable can possibly understand how envious I was of him at that moment. Oh. And he's going to school on the beach next year. In the South.

Man, why couldn't I have been the rebellious younger sibling?

In other news, there was no ham or Easter basket awaiting my palate today, but I made the best of it by fixing some pasta with tomatoes, bacon, chicken, and cream. It wasn't exactly artful, but even the poor man's bolognese is a meal that could choke a horse.

Which is the only kind of meal there is.


What I'm wearing: Red v-neck pulover, gray drawstring pants

What I'm reading: The Wedding March as imagine myself getting married to the inventor of Confoti

What I'm doing after this: Picking out baby names and seeing how they sound in front of Confoti

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