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20 February 2002 - 9:25 p.m.

Top 3 Reasons I Should Not Be Allowed into Target

Reason the first: Moonstruck on DVD. Yes, Cher rules. Yes, positive depictions of Italian-American families rule. Yes, the movie rocks. But have I a DVD player? Um, no.

Reason the second: Some Like it Hot on DVD. Yes, it is a great movie, and by everyone's standards, not just mine. But have I a DVD player? See above.

Reason the third: Z-steemed martini glasses. Do I drink martinis? Um, no. I think they taste like poion. Because, really, they are poison.

Of course, I purchased all of the above.

It should be known that I spent a grand total of $30.89 on two DVDs and 4 martini glasses, which was very economical for even the very cheap Target. Now I have two movies and 600+ minutes of M*A*S*H episodes to watch at Gus' place. And quality time is priceless. So I shouldn't feel too guilty for making purchases.

What I should feel guilty about is spending the last 90 minutes trying to decide what to drink first in my new z-stemmed martini glasses. And trying to imagine the weirdest possible garnish for a martini. When I first got in tonight, I noticed a couple of empty chick pea cans that I've been saving for craft purposes, and thought to myself, "You know, those are yummy. Why has no one ever thought of putting a toothpick through a garbanzo bean and using that in a drink?" So I started looking around for weird garnishes. Here's what I've come up with, based on just the stuff I have in my kitchen:

-Farfalle pasta (black would be ideal, though. Imagine little black bowties floating in your cocktail. Aw!)

-Marshmallow cats/ghosts (left over from Halloween. I don't know how I'll get rid of them otherwise.)

-Rice (actually for the rim of the glass, so maybe this doesn't count)

-A stick of double-mint gum (double your pleasure with a stirrer that makes your martini minty fresh)

Just because I would never drink anything containing the above doesn't mean I'm not onto something here.

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