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20 June 2004 - 9:46 p.m.

Pimp My Crib

Well, the move that will never end has still not come to an end, although we do now have a tv stand and some shelving.

Oh, and like, enough speakers for 10 apartments.

Seeing as how Gus and I are not technically married yet (I think we will be next Saturday, though, since our "church" ceremony in July is mostly a formality), I felt as though I had very little say in how he spent his tax return.

So now we have the largest subwoofer I have ever seen.

What I'm wearing: White capri pants, white shirt with flowers.

What I'm reading: Couples by John Updike

What I'm doing after this: Can't decide.

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- - 07 May 2005

Wheee! - 02 November 2004

Inside of my fridge. - 28 October 2004

TV is Stupid. - 24 September 2004

"The only paperback writer who would drive a Buick is like, Tom Clancy." -Gus - 20 September 2004

hatboxmcsneezy got their NeoPet at http://www.neopets.com