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24 January 2002 - 11:02 a.m.

It's like a papal dispensation, except sexy.

It has been so long since I've gotten a note to get out of class.

But today I will. Because today Prof. McHotHot, Prof. McDept.Head, and I have to meet with Mr. Super-Famous-Linguist-Guy. I have never heard of him, but you, know, whatever. The email I got from Prof. McHH requesting my presence was so nice and polite, and not, like, "make you you get your ass here because it's pertinent to your independent study, biznatch."

And we have to meet during my science class. Except my professor for that class is ill, which I know because I spent the bulk of my time at work yesterday trying to find out what hospital I should send her flowers to, only to find out that she had gone home. So.

I told Prof. McHotHot of my dilemma, which really wasn't a dilemma in that I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and it was a good day to skip class. There's always the chance that we will have a guest lecturer, but the problem with guest lecturers is that they are boring. The last time I had a guest lecturer, it was the father of artificial intelligence, who was incredibly famous and this hugley important figure in technology, but, my God was he boring. So Prof. McHH said, "I really think you should meet with us. I really think it's going to be a lot of fun."

My, Grandma, what big insight you have! A lunch date with a hot motherfo, another prof I like a lot, and a British intellectual who could very well be an even hotter motherfo. Why on earth would that be more fun than science?

So he offers to not only write an email to Prof. McScience explaining the importance of my abscence, but have Prof. McDept.Head write one as well. Damn! Where were these guys when I was suffering through high school gym, you know?

Now I have to stop into work to have a Krispy Kreme with Barbara. Gentle reader, notice that it appears to be "Be Nice to Jenn Day," so you may wish to act accordingly in the realm of, say, my guestbook.


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