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12 October 2002 - 2:12 p.m.

Prone to Pooting

I went camping, and I apologize to all those around me for the inside jokes that will surely reign the incoming weeks. But that's what happens when you take the party people out of the hizzouse and thrust them into the Green World, even for one rainy night.

That, and things that I probably shouldn't even write here, because I don't have any secrets of my own at the moment, but everyone else's are swimming around my head as though I'm in a cartoon and have just been clocked with a skillet. William Shakespeare, if only you could have had my weekend!

And really, I should have Pucked the fuck out of that shit, but I don't think I could find the strength. What happens when a cigarette-smoking, Bourbon-drinking bloke develops a yen for Godgirl? Or a 21-year old Californian professes his crush to a somewhat older married? I can only thank God my love is for real and my crush is intellectual, thus far unconfessed, and the only leaves around are for writing on. None of the grad men have a crush on me, and all of the grad men have crushes. For the first time in my life, I feel more powerful to be undesired than the other way around. But who wouldn't? Can I get a big "Amen" to "Lord, what fools these mortals be"?

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