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7 May 2002 - 12:54 a.m.

"Will you still love me when I'm in my 'hanging out with Ravi Shankar' phase?"

I am having the most fun finals week ever!

Yes, I am a spoiled, spoiled little girl. Since the end of classes, I attended one party with my professors, another beach-themed party, the raddest of amusement parks, a $1 screening of Wayne's World. I thought the fun would end when I had to go to a three-hour re-enactment of the Kyoto Protocol discussions for my dumb science class, but when I got an email less than an hour later saying that everyone who participated was getting an A, I decided it was all worth it. Plus I had tried to make the best of it, althought there was no one there who appreciated as much as I did the fact that Bangladesh was hurting for resources, and there is this Turkish guy who looks a great deal like George Harrison, and maybe we could have solved everything with a big concert.

Talk about a 'hanging out with Ravi Shankar" phase.

So when the final was over, I got right back to the fun: eating a tasty hamburger, chilling at the bookstore with some bridal porn (which is just plain old bridal mags for those of you with a ring, and not pictures of naked chicks in veils wielding whips or anything), seeing the new Woody Allen movie (I could link to IMDB here, but you all know who Woody Allen is, for pete's sake) and eating tomorrow's breakfast tonight.

Going to work tomorrow is really going to be an unpleasant hitch in this period of endless fun upon fun.

So I won't think about it. What I will think about is the movies I've seen over the past two days.

Hollywood Ending was good, provided you A.) like Woody and B.) take the title as a warning.

Oh, and F.) You're a gimp.

I'm sorry, but when did Wayne's World become so damn brilliant? I figured everyone in attendance last night had just shown up out of nostalgia and the need for some mindless humor, but we all laughed like... I don't know.

Like we hadn't laughed in ten years, which was the last time we all saw Wayne's World on the big screen.

Party on.

What I'm wearing:

What I'm reading:

What I'm doing after this:

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