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2001-06-19 - 11:00 p.m.


A word about weddingchannel.com - or rather, four words: tip of the iceberg.

I searched diaryland for people who might be keeping diarys about planning weddings. (Yes, I'm obsessed, we've been throught this.) i only found one to be of interest, and she mentioned a site called ultimatewedding.com, and being the ultimatedork I had to check it out.

Well, as I would find out, not only do you get to participate in message boards, but you also get to sign up for an online wedding journal! And once you post 20 times, you get access to the "Honeymoon Sex" or whatever boards. Don't worry, I'll share the wealth.

This puts me in an interesting position: I actually have to go a lot deeper into the whole planning thing than I thought. Which means I have to move from calculating to diabolical...BWAHAHAHAHA!

(Or maybe just lying to completely delusional. Who can say?)

What I'm wearing:

What I'm reading:

What I'm doing after this:

about me - read my profile! read other DiaryLand diaries! recommend my diary to a friend! Get your own fun + free diary at DiaryLand.com!

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TV is Stupid. - 24 September 2004

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